How Vitamin D Deficiency could be silently killing you

In 2014 my wife decided to hire a trainer to help her with her fitness. I was curious how this would work and hence I also decided to go with the same trainer. I spoke to the trainer from the Chennai airport where I was on that day on a business trip and then processed to hire her.

I am no stranger to workouts and I had been leveraging trainers before in the various gyms that I had visited. But this was different. As my training started the first thing I remember was that there was intense pain in my muscles and joints. Despite pain killers, the pain would not go away. The trainer kept telling me that it was a matter of time and things would improve. She even brought in another trainer, who helped me with some stretching exercises and twisting. But when things got worse I had to consult my family physician. One look at me, he said, well my friend when was the last time you checked your Vitamin D levels? That started a quest for settling my Vitamin D levels which continues till this day.

Vitamin D Deficiency Symptoms
D vitamin is known since it is produced by the exposure to sunlight light. It is an important element that a human body requires. Deficiency is a critical problem. The below mentioned are a number of the common signs of lack of D vitamin. Vitamin and mineral basic’s consumption is critical for a human body to work. There is a lot of information what’re the sources of these nutrients and concerning the significance of the nutrients.  

In 2010, the venerable Institute of Medicine (IOM) issued a report based on a lengthy examination of data by a group of experts. To sum up, they estimated that a vitamin D level of 20 ng/mL or higher was adequate for good bone health, and subsequently, a level below 20 was considered a vitamin D deficiency. (Source: )

Below are the charts I have kept for my Vitamin D Levels. As you can see I started with a deficiency around 11 and now have managed to keep myself above the 20 mark for the last 5 years.

Key Symptoms

Weakness and Pain: The weakness of bones and muscles is the first sign that there might be a problem. Rickets in children and Osteomyelitis in adults are among the largest of deficiency of D vitamin deficiency symptoms. Weak bones are vitamin d.’s feature However they generally occur at an early age or older age.

Obesity: individuals who’re obese are more common in showing that the signs of lack of D vitamin. Now, this could be one of the reasons for the obesity epidemic in India.

Feeling Low: Difficult to explain but lack of sunlight is known to cause subclinical depression. This often leads to mood swings, lethargy among others

Other Symptoms: Some other signs are knock-kneed appearance, low blood calcium level, high blood pressure level, reasons why that the vitamin d deficiency occurs are given below.

Reasons for Deficiency

The numerous reasons why that the vitamin d deficiency occurs are given below.

  1. Less exposure to direct sunlight
  2. Extensive use of sunblocks and sunscreen
  3. Lack of absorbing of D vitamin.
  4. Hereditary factors

The given are a number of the readily recognize able signs of vitamin D deficiency symptoms. So what do you do?? In my opinion these should be your next steps.

  1. Visit a doctor- Please do not self medicate, please do visit a doctor
  2. Check your Vitamin D Levels regularly from a NABL certified Lab
  3. Plan for at least 30 minutes of outdoor activity daily specially in the morning- Walks, Jogs or just stretching in the park is a good idea.
  4. Keep a record of your levels

I trust this article is helpful in understanding your symptoms and seeking the right help. As always we are open to your questions and we will do our best to answer them.

Dr. Vikram Venkateswaran

Management Thinker, Marketer, Healthcare Professional Communicator and Ideation exponent

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